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How to Create HTML Header – Article

HTML, short for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a nifty tool for creating good looking pages. It is the oldest web language around and has evolved with the times to become the most preferred one with the release of the latest iteration, HTML 5. In HTML, each page is divided into several structures denoted by “tags” that delineate them. It is in within these tags that the entire content is developed and presented. However, there are a lot of tags which are not for display purpose but for organizational purpose only and help search engines index the page too. Let’s take a look at them

The HTML documents all begin in this manner:






Only comments are allowed to precede these tags and every active element is contained within the title tag only. Although this element is optional and the content may fall to the tag next in hierarchy, it should never be omitted by an intelligent web designer. This is so because search engines use the information here to index the page. It also contains the text that shows up in the search results as well as the text that is stored when a user bookmarks your website. Equally importantly, it displays the top of the page in browser and the appeal of that part can make or mar the traffic to your website as people tend to be very judgmental and quickly decide whether they want to invest more time surfing a page or not merely by the look of the top of the page.

It is the “meta” tag in this “title” tag that is responsible for the search engine rankings. To state it in a larger perspective, consider the structure below.

<title>The Website’s title goes here</title>

<meta name="description" content="introduce what the website is about">

<meta name="keywords" content="the keywords go here">

Observe the contents of the two meta tags. Both the description and the keywords are used by search engine algorithms to decide how high this page should rank. Obviously, this is where much effort should be invested in the form of searching for the right keywords that promote your webpage. The description has to be terse yet attractive so that when it shows up next to your website’s name in search results, the user should want to visit your page. Further, the other elements in this “title” tag shall decide which image displays at the top of your website, at what size and so on. The implementation of this depends on the platform being used (such as WordPress or any other) to construct the website.

With careful consideration, the keywords with the highest searches can be selected. Many software tools exist to aid this endeavor. Also, stock images can be used as the background. Or, if you are creative enough, click your own photo that imparts a touch of serenity to your website. The right combinations of all these parameters make your website not just attractive to look at but also be ranked high by search engines. Exploit this information to your advantage.

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